As we have discussed in our previous post, lets focus on a working data access layer that we can use for our mongodb database.
As a collection based database, it's a bit different as how we should deal with records (collections) here. Let's have a look at the code.
You can copy this class and use it directly in your application. Anyway, it's got few more functions as you can have a parent and child database connections with primary keys as a value added function.
In our next post, we will talk a bit more about individual functions.
till that play with this code.
happy coding.
As a collection based database, it's a bit different as how we should deal with records (collections) here. Let's have a look at the code.
public class MongoDBCRUD
MongoClient client;
private IMongoDatabase mongoDatabase;
string DBMaster, DBName;
public MongoDBCRUD()
public MongoDBCRUD(string MasterDatabase)
DBMaster = MasterDatabase;
private void Connect()
DBName = DBMaster ?? (Common.DBName != null ? Common.DBName.ToString() : string.Empty);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Common.ConString))
client = new MongoClient(Common.ConString);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DBName))
mongoDatabase = client.GetDatabase(DBName);
public bool Insert<T>(T RecordToInsert)
return Insert<T>(typeof(T).Name, RecordToInsert);
public bool Insert<T>(string TableName, T RecordToInsert)
var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(TableName);
return true;
public bool Replace<T>(T RecordToUpsert, string UpdateColumnName, BsonValue WhereValue)
return Replace<T>(typeof(T).Name, RecordToUpsert, UpdateColumnName, WhereValue);
public bool Replace<T>(string TableName, T RecordToUpsert, string UpdateColumnName, BsonValue WhereValue)
var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq(UpdateColumnName, WhereValue);
var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(TableName);
var result = collection.ReplaceOne(filter, RecordToUpsert);
return result.IsAcknowledged;
public void Delete<T>(BsonValue WhereValue)
Delete<T>(typeof(T).Name, "_id", WhereValue);
public void Delete<T>(string DeleteColumnName, BsonValue WhereValue)
Delete<T>(typeof(T).Name, DeleteColumnName, WhereValue);
public void Delete<T>(string TableName, string DeleteColumnName, BsonValue WhereValue)
var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(TableName);
var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq(DeleteColumnName, WhereValue);
public List<T> Select<T>()
return Select<T>(typeof(T).Name);
public List<T> Select<T>(string TableName)
var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(TableName);
return collection.Find(new BsonDocument()).ToList();
public List<T> Select<T>(BsonValue WhereValue, string SelectColumnName = null)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectColumnName))
SelectColumnName = "_id";
return Select<T>(typeof(T).Name, SelectColumnName, WhereValue);
public List<T> Select<T>(string TableName, string SelectColumnName, BsonValue WhereValue)
var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(TableName);
var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq(SelectColumnName, WhereValue);
return collection.Find(filter).ToList();
public T Select<T>(Dictionary<string, BsonValue> WhereValue)
return Select<T>(typeof(T).Name, WhereValue);
public T Select<T>(string TableName, Dictionary<string, BsonValue> WhereValue)
var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(TableName);
FilterDefinition<T>[] filterDefinition = new FilterDefinition<T>[WhereValue.Count];
FilterDefinition<T> filter;
int i = 0;
foreach (var v in WhereValue)
filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq(v.Key, v.Value);
filterDefinition[i] = filter;
return collection.Find(Builders<T>.Filter.And(filterDefinition)).FirstOrDefault();
public int GetNextNumber<T>()
var TableName = typeof(T).Name;
var value = this.Select<AutoIncrement>().Where(x => x.Table.Equals(TableName)).ToList().FirstOrDefault();
if (value == null)
return 1;
return value.TableId + 1;
public void SetNextNumber<T>(T Table, int id)
var TableName = typeof(T).Name;
AutoIncrement autoIncrement = new AutoIncrement() { TableId = id, Table = TableName };
if (id > 1)
var filter = Builders<AutoIncrement>.Filter.Eq("Table", TableName);
var update = Builders<AutoIncrement>.Update.Set("TableId", id);
var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<AutoIncrement>("AutoIncrement");
var result = collection.UpdateOne(filter, update);
You can copy this class and use it directly in your application. Anyway, it's got few more functions as you can have a parent and child database connections with primary keys as a value added function.
In our next post, we will talk a bit more about individual functions.
till that play with this code.
happy coding.
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