Saturday, July 4, 2020

c# - App.config - read and write - easy way

Let's discuss about how we can read and write App.Config file in a easy way. Before that if you need to know more about what is this file, read this post

Lets get back to code.

     public static bool UpdateAppSettings(string key, string value)  
         var configFile = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);  
         var settings = configFile.AppSettings.Settings;  
         if (settings[key] == null)  
           settings.Add(key, value);  
           settings[key].Value = value;  
         return true;  
       catch (Exception)  

     public static string ReadAppSetting(string key)  
         return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key];  
       catch (Exception)  

UpdateAppSettings and ReadAppSetting are two methods we use. lets say we have a config value like below.

We can read and update this values as this.

 public static string ConString { get { return ReadAppSetting("ConString"); } set { UpdateAppSettings("ConString", value); } }  

Hope you can get this applied to your need too.
Happy coding.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Creating Images from Text in C#

Sometimes you might need to create images from text. Following method can be used to do that.

 public static Image DrawText(String text, Font font, Color textColor, Color backColor)  
       Image img = new Bitmap(1, 1);  
       Graphics drawing = Graphics.FromImage(img);  
       SizeF textSize = drawing.MeasureString(text, font);  
       img = new Bitmap((int)textSize.Width, (int)textSize.Height);  
       drawing = Graphics.FromImage(img);  
       drawing.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;  
       drawing.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;  
       drawing.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;  
       drawing.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixelGridFit;  
       Brush textBrush = new SolidBrush(textColor);  
       drawing.DrawString(text, font, textBrush, 0, 0);  
       return img;  

Such scenario can be applied to a website like below, The logo is created from a text there.

Happy coding.
Copy this code...and try

MS Excel Reader with No dependancy in C# - Reading file horizontally

This is a cool nuget package that you can use to read excel files into dataset just like how you query the database. Very simple and no dependancy. What you need is to install the add the following 2 nuget packages into your solution.

These are the URLs,

Then you can read the file as below. Note that this code will read your file horizontally. Meaning column by column.

 try {  
  OpenFileDialog of = new OpenFileDialog(); of .Filter = "Excel Files|*.xls;*.xlsx;*.xlsm"; of .ShowDialog();  
  var FilePath = of .FileName;  
  if (File.Exists(FilePath)) {  
  try {  
   using(var stream = File.Open(FilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) {  
   using(var reader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateReader(stream)) {  
    var result = reader.AsDataSet();  
    if (result != null && result.Tables != null && result.Tables.Count > 0) {  
    rowCountMultiple = result.Tables[0].Rows.Count;  
    colCountMultiple = result.Tables[0].Columns.Count;  
    List < string > valueList;  
    string token, value;  
    listTokensForPageMultiple = new Dictionary < int, List < string >> ();  
    for (int c = 0; c < colCountMultiple; c++) {  
     valueList = new List < string > ();  
     token = result.Tables[0].Rows[0][c].ToString();  
     for (int r = 0; r < rowCountMultiple; r++) {  
     value = result.Tables[0].Rows[r][c].ToString();  
     listTokensForPageMultiple.Add(c, valueList);  
  } catch (Exception ex) {  
   Common.Error(ex.Message, ex);  
  } finally {  

Copy and paste this code and try.
Happy coding...

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Export array of data to excel in C#

Most of the time, we need to deal with data that also need to export to excel. So, the following method can export your string array to excel. lets have a look :

     public static bool ExportArrayToExcel(List<string[]> data, string filename, string[] headers=null, bool flOpenFile = false)  
       bool flExported = false;  
         SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog();  
         sfd.Filter = "Excel Documents (*.xls)|*.xls";  
         sfd.FileName = filename;  
         if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)  
           string stOutput = "";  
           string sHeaders = "";  
           if (headers.Count() > 0)  
             for (int j = 0; j < headers.Count(); j++)  
               sHeaders = sHeaders.ToString() + Convert.ToString(headers[j]) + "\t";  
             stOutput += sHeaders + "\r\n";  
           for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)  
             string stLine = "";  
             for (int j = 0; j < data[i].Count(); j++)  
               stLine = stLine.ToString() + Convert.ToString(data[i][j]) + "\t";  
             stOutput += stLine + "\r\n";  
           Encoding utf16 = Encoding.GetEncoding(1254);  
           byte[] output = utf16.GetBytes(stOutput);  
           FileStream fs = new FileStream(sfd.FileName, FileMode.Create);  
           BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs);  
           bw.Write(output, 0, output.Length);   
           if (flOpenFile)  
       catch (Exception)  
       return flExported;  

copy and paste and try.

happy coding..

Monday, May 4, 2020

C# MongoDB Data Access Layer Explained

In our previous post, we discussed about writing a data access layer for mongodb. So, let's discuss a bit about each method.

     public bool Insert<T>(T RecordToInsert)  
       return Insert<T>(typeof(T).Name, RecordToInsert);  
     public bool Insert<T>(string TableName, T RecordToInsert)  
       var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(TableName);  
       return true;  

This methods are used to insert records to a specific collection. The T is a generic type which you can pass any entity. For example, lets say you have a Person class. and you are going to add a new person. So what you need is to pass the Person object  to this method. Normally collections are named as the class name so that it's not going to be clear.

 public bool Insert(Person p)  
       return dal.Insert(p);         

The sample Person class will looks like below. You must have the
     public ObjectId _id { get; set; } 

so that the MongoDB can keep the unique code generated upon saving a new person.

   public class Person  
     private int _idPerson;  
     private string _mobileNumber;  
     private string _lastName;  
     private string _firstName;  
     private string _username;  
     private string _password;  
     private DateTime _lastModified;  
     public ObjectId _id { get; set; }  
     public int IdPerson  
       get { return _idPerson; }  
       set { _idPerson = value; }  
     public string FirstName  
       get { return _firstName; }  
       set { _firstName = value; }  
     public string LastName  
       get { return _lastName; }  
       set { _lastName = value; }  
     public string MobileNumber  
       get { return _mobileNumber; }  
       set { _mobileNumber = value; }  
     public string Username  
       get { return _username; }  
       set { _username = value; }  
     public string Password  
       get { return _password; }  
       set { _password = value; }  
     public DateTime LastModified  
       get { return _lastModified; }  
       set { _lastModified = value; }  

Lets see how we can use replace function to update/replace a specific record.

     public bool Replace<T>(T RecordToUpsert, string UpdateColumnName, BsonValue WhereValue)  
       return Replace<T>(typeof(T).Name, RecordToUpsert, UpdateColumnName, WhereValue);  
     public bool Replace<T>(string TableName, T RecordToUpsert, string UpdateColumnName, BsonValue WhereValue)  
       var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq(UpdateColumnName, WhereValue);        
       var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(TableName);        
       var result = collection.ReplaceOne(filter, RecordToUpsert);  
       return result.IsAcknowledged;  

This 2 methods will help with our update / replace of persons as below.

     public bool Replace(Person p)  
       return dal.Replace(p, "IdPerson", p.IdPerson);  

Here we have the p as Person object that has all the existing and modified data. Also we use IdPerson as the key to update the person.

So, the deletion is done as below.
     public void Delete<T>(BsonValue WhereValue)  
       Delete<T>(typeof(T).Name, "_id", WhereValue);  
     public void Delete<T>(string DeleteColumnName, BsonValue WhereValue)  
       Delete<T>(typeof(T).Name, DeleteColumnName, WhereValue);  
     public void Delete<T>(string TableName, string DeleteColumnName, BsonValue WhereValue)  
       var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(TableName);  
       var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq(DeleteColumnName, WhereValue);  

So, you can either use _id which is MongoDB ID value of  the record to delete or you can pass a matching attribute with it's value to delete.

Finally, the selection can be done like this;

     public List<T> Select<T>()  
       return Select<T>(typeof(T).Name);  
     public List<T> Select<T>(string TableName)  
       var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(TableName);  
       return collection.Find(new BsonDocument()).ToList();  
     public List<T> Select<T>(BsonValue WhereValue, string SelectColumnName = null)  
       if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectColumnName))  
         SelectColumnName = "_id";  
       return Select<T>(typeof(T).Name, SelectColumnName, WhereValue);  
     public List<T> Select<T>(string TableName, string SelectColumnName, BsonValue WhereValue)  
       var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(TableName);  
       var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq(SelectColumnName, WhereValue);  
       return collection.Find(filter).ToList();  

Methods can  be used as ;

     public List<Person> Select()  
       return dal.Select<Person>();  

The matching type Person will return a list of persons from the collection.

So, try using these methods and if any let me know.
Happy coding...

Sunday, May 3, 2020

C# Mongodb Data Access Layer

As we have discussed in our previous post, lets focus on a working data access layer that we can use for our mongodb database.

As a collection based database, it's a bit different as how we should deal with records (collections) here. Let's have a look at the code.

 public class MongoDBCRUD  
     MongoClient client;  
     private IMongoDatabase mongoDatabase;  
     string DBMaster, DBName;  
     public MongoDBCRUD()  
     public MongoDBCRUD(string MasterDatabase)  
       DBMaster = MasterDatabase;  
     private void Connect()  
       DBName = DBMaster ?? (Common.DBName != null ? Common.DBName.ToString() : string.Empty);  
       if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Common.ConString))  
         client = new MongoClient(Common.ConString);  
       if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DBName))  
         mongoDatabase = client.GetDatabase(DBName);  
     public bool Insert<T>(T RecordToInsert)  
       return Insert<T>(typeof(T).Name, RecordToInsert);  
     public bool Insert<T>(string TableName, T RecordToInsert)  
       var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(TableName);  
       return true;  
     public bool Replace<T>(T RecordToUpsert, string UpdateColumnName, BsonValue WhereValue)  
       return Replace<T>(typeof(T).Name, RecordToUpsert, UpdateColumnName, WhereValue);  
     public bool Replace<T>(string TableName, T RecordToUpsert, string UpdateColumnName, BsonValue WhereValue)  
       var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq(UpdateColumnName, WhereValue);        
       var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(TableName);        
       var result = collection.ReplaceOne(filter, RecordToUpsert);  
       return result.IsAcknowledged;  
     public void Delete<T>(BsonValue WhereValue)  
       Delete<T>(typeof(T).Name, "_id", WhereValue);  
     public void Delete<T>(string DeleteColumnName, BsonValue WhereValue)  
       Delete<T>(typeof(T).Name, DeleteColumnName, WhereValue);  
     public void Delete<T>(string TableName, string DeleteColumnName, BsonValue WhereValue)  
       var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(TableName);  
       var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq(DeleteColumnName, WhereValue);  
     public List<T> Select<T>()  
       return Select<T>(typeof(T).Name);  
     public List<T> Select<T>(string TableName)  
       var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(TableName);  
       return collection.Find(new BsonDocument()).ToList();  
     public List<T> Select<T>(BsonValue WhereValue, string SelectColumnName = null)  
       if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectColumnName))  
         SelectColumnName = "_id";  
       return Select<T>(typeof(T).Name, SelectColumnName, WhereValue);  
     public List<T> Select<T>(string TableName, string SelectColumnName, BsonValue WhereValue)  
       var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(TableName);  
       var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq(SelectColumnName, WhereValue);  
       return collection.Find(filter).ToList();  
     public T Select<T>(Dictionary<string, BsonValue> WhereValue)  
       return Select<T>(typeof(T).Name, WhereValue);  
     public T Select<T>(string TableName, Dictionary<string, BsonValue> WhereValue)  
       var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(TableName);  
       FilterDefinition<T>[] filterDefinition = new FilterDefinition<T>[WhereValue.Count];  
       FilterDefinition<T> filter;  
       int i = 0;  
       foreach (var v in WhereValue)  
         filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq(v.Key, v.Value);  
         filterDefinition[i] = filter;  
       return collection.Find(Builders<T>.Filter.And(filterDefinition)).FirstOrDefault();  
     public int GetNextNumber<T>()  
       var TableName = typeof(T).Name;  
       var value = this.Select<AutoIncrement>().Where(x => x.Table.Equals(TableName)).ToList().FirstOrDefault();  
       if (value == null)  
         return 1;  
         return value.TableId + 1;  
     public void SetNextNumber<T>(T Table, int id)  
       var TableName = typeof(T).Name;  
       AutoIncrement autoIncrement = new AutoIncrement() { TableId = id, Table = TableName };  
       if (id > 1)  
         var filter = Builders<AutoIncrement>.Filter.Eq("Table", TableName);  
         var update = Builders<AutoIncrement>.Update.Set("TableId", id);  
         var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<AutoIncrement>("AutoIncrement");  
         var result = collection.UpdateOne(filter, update);  

You can copy this class and use it directly in your application. Anyway, it's got few more functions as you can have a parent and child database connections with primary keys as a value added function.

In our next post, we will talk a bit more about individual functions.
till that play with this code.

happy coding.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Writing Data Access Layer in C# for MongoDB

As discussed from our previous post, MongoDB is pretty good if we can work it in int's unique way. So, to do all of the work, we need to have a propert DB layer. Let's first look at how we can connect and then do a sample select.

 var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017");  
 mongoDatabase = client.GetDatabase("TemplateManager");  
 public List<T> Select<T>(string TableName, string SelectColumnName, BsonValue WhereValue)  
       var collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(TableName);  
       var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq(SelectColumnName, WhereValue);  
       return collection.Find(filter).ToList();  

Using above code, you can connect to the locally installed DB server get a list of records which can be converted into a list of entity.

Lets see how this is used.

 List<Person> personList = new bllPerson().Select();  

The Person is an entity which we use in the collection. The bllPerson is a class that handles DB calls. So it gets all the people saved under Person collection in the Database.

Try it and next time lets talk about Updated and Delete method.

Happy coding.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Using MongoDB for your .Net applications - Data Access (Layer)

Hopefully you might have worked on MongoDB or probably not. Anyway, MongoDB can be downloaded here. It's the community version and free version. Install and run the server. It runs on localhost:27017.

If you want to know more about what is MongoDB, visit here

When you download the server and install, you can easily do all the CRUD operations. for that you need to install the MongoDB nuget package. Those have the necessary dlls to perform database actions. following are the packages you need to install.

Once you have it, you can reference the namespaces.

So, you now you are ready to write your own codes to deal with MongoDB. For example, you can think of the following code.

This is how you can get this to use in your front end.

try to understand the basics here. documentation of MongoDB is here (

Next time, lets see how we can write our own Data Access Layer.

Until that, happy coding.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

MS Sql Server - Alternative to Cursor

Hello Friends,

If you are working with MS SQL Server, you may familier with Cursor which we use to loop through a recordset. But as everyone knows, cursors are expensive. They consume more memory and also take more time.

So lets discuss how to avoid cursors but how to loop as we use a cursor.

Create a temp table.
 create table #ttProduct (  
      [id] int identity(1,1) NOT NULL,  
      [idProduct] inIdentifier not null,       
      [idCategory] inIdentifier not null, ...etc  

and here we get selected records into the temp table.
 insert #ttProduct(  
      cat.ShortName AS 'lbCategory',  

And now let's see how it is done.
 while exists (select * from #ttProduct)  
                select top 1 @recordId = id, @idProduct=idProduct  
                from #ttProduct  
                order by id asc  
                --select * from #ttProduct where id = @recordId  
                -- Do something with your TableID  
                delete #ttProduct  
                where id = @recordId  
 drop table #ttProduct  

it is basically a while loop and each iteration we delete the top record once processed. So it will ultimately run out from records. End of everything, drop the tempory table too.

Hope you have got your idea.

Friday, March 27, 2020

c# method to return dynamic types

This is a simple method that return dynamic types based on what it recieves from the parameter.

 private dynamic GetValue<T>(object value, bool toString)  
       Type type = typeof(T);  
       if (value == null || (value != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.ToString())))  
         if (toString)  
           return string.Empty;  
           return null;  
         if (toString)  
           return value.ToString();  
           return Convert.ChangeType(value, type);  

value : the value you want to get
toString : whether the return type needs to be as a string.

 item.EXT_PRODUCT_ID = this.GetValue<int?>(p.idProduct, true);  

The value we pass is

and it is a nullable integer. Also we set toString as true. so the return value is :
"466565" or empty string.

Instead of checking null everytime, we can use this method.

Happy coding.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Multithreading - passing parameters

    When you need to write multithreading application, you might need to pass parameters to the method that is executed by another thread. Sometimes, assigining the value to a variable and access it from the method works but what if it's countless threads that access the same method. 

You can directly pass the values to the parameter. Look at the below code.

This is the method that needs to be executed by another thread. (Actually a loop of threads). This is how it can be done.

k.Key is the keyword and v is the url.

This way you can pass parameters and will not be effected to any thread.

Happy coding..

Monday, March 16, 2020

Implementing PIGNOSE Calendar in your webpage

PIGNOSE Calendar is beautiful and eidetic jQuery date picker plguin. It is easy to setup too. Lets see how it s done step by step.

You can download it from here.

The calendar looks like below when it is implemented.

Lets see how it is done.

1. Add a textbox to work as the date controller

 <input class="datePicker" type="text" id="dateFrom" name="dateFrom" readonly="readonly" placeholder="Date : du" data-input-style="box" data-label-style="stacked" value="">  

You can see that the class of the input is datePicker

2. In your JS file, write the following.

   $('.datePicker').each(function () {  
     $(this).on('focus', function () {  
         // en, ko, fr, ch, de, jp, pt, fr  
         lang: 'fr',  
         // You can change auto initialized date at first.  
         date: moment(),  
         // light, dark  
         theme: 'light',  
         // date format  
         format: 'DD/MM/YYYY',  
         // CSS class array  
         classOnDays: [],  
         // array of enabled dates  
         enabledDates: [],  
         // disabled dates  
         disabledDates: [],  
         // You can disable by using a weekday number array (This is a sequential number start from 0 [sunday]).  
         disabledWeekdays: [],  
         // This option is advanced way to using disable settings, You can give multiple disabled range by double array date string by formatted to 'YYYY-MM-DD'.  
         disabledRanges: [],  
         // Set and array of events to pin on calendar.   
         // Each event is an object that must contain a date string formatted to 'YYYY-MM-DD' and class key that belong to classOnEvents dictionary indicating its color on calendar.   
         // Events with not color class suitable are all pin with #5c6270.   
         // Issues may arise when the number of color class increase, this could break the calendar cell.  
         schedules: [],  
         // Set a dictionary with class 'key' and color code 'value' used for pin events class by date.  
         scheduleOptions: {  
           colors: {}  
         // Your first day of week (0: Sunday ~ 6: Saturday).  
         week: 1,  
         // If you set true this option, You can use multiple range picker by one click on your Calendar.  
         pickWeeks: false,  
         // You can turn on/off initialized date by this option.  
         initialize: true,  
         // enable multiple date selection  
         multiple: false,  
         // use toggle in the calendar  
         toggle: false,  
         // reverse mode  
         reverse: false,  
         // display calendar as modal  
         modal: false,  
         // add button controller for confirm by user  
         buttons: true,  
         // minimum disable date range by 'YYYY-MM-DD' formatted string  
         minDate: moment().subtract(10, 'years').endOf('year'),  
         // maximum disable date range by 'YYYY-MM-DD' formatted string  
         maxDate: moment(),  
         // called when you select a date on calendar (date click).  
         select: disabledValidation,  
         // If you set true this option, You can pass the check of disabled dates when multiple mode enabled.  
         selectOver: true,  
         // called when you apply a date on calendar. (OK button click).  
         apply: disabledValidation,  
         // called when you apply a date on calendar. (OK button click).  
         click: disabledValidation  

Note that, if you have a calendar icon, add a css class and have the same as above. then both textbox and calendar will work with the control.

Finally make sure you have added all the necessary files in SRC folder and linked the JQuery as it is required to the page.

The result will be as below. (The language is set as French and you can easily change it to any language that it supports. )

Hope this calenar will give your website a nice look and feel.

Happy coding..