Wednesday, November 25, 2015

C# Data Access Layer - Easy way

When it comes to data access in C#, generalizing common methods to a class is what we always do. A bit of OOP with C# can ease so much work.
So here is a sample of a Data Access Layer that we can use in the data access components in the project.

 public abstract class DataAccessBase  
     #region Exec SQL  
     protected void ExecuteNonQuery(string storedProcedure, params SqlParam[] parameters)  
         using (SqlConnection cnx = GetConnection())  
           using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(storedProcedure, cnx) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure })  
             FillParameters(cmd, parameters);  
       catch (SqlException ex)  
         throw new TechnicalException(ex.Message, ex);  
     protected object ExecuteScalar(string storedProcedure, params SqlParam[] parameters)  
         object toReturn = null;  
         using (SqlConnection cnx = GetConnection())  
           using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(storedProcedure, cnx) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure })  
             FillParameters(cmd, parameters);  
             toReturn = cmd.ExecuteScalar();  
         return toReturn;  
       catch (SqlException ex)  
         throw new TechnicalException(ex.Message, ex);  
     protected DataSet ExecuteDataSet(string storedProcedure, params SqlParam[] parameters)  
         DataSet ds = new DataSet();  
         using (SqlConnection cnx = GetConnection())  
           using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(storedProcedure, cnx) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure })  
             FillParameters(cmd, parameters);  
             SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);  
         return ds;  
       catch (SqlException ex)  
         throw new TechnicalException(ex.Message, ex);  
     protected SqlDataReader ExecuteDataReader(string storedProcedure, params SqlParam[] parameters)  
       SqlConnection cnx = GetConnection();  
         SqlDataReader rtnReader;  
         using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(storedProcedure, cnx) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure })  
           FillParameters(cmd, parameters);  
           rtnReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);  
         return rtnReader;  
       catch (SqlException ex)  
         throw new TechnicalException(ex.Message, ex);  
     protected DataTable ExecuteDataTable(string storedProcedure, params SqlParam[] parameters)  
         DataTable dt = new DataTable();  
         using (SqlConnection cnx = GetConnection())  
           using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(storedProcedure, cnx) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure })  
             FillParameters(cmd, parameters);  
             SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);  
         return dt;  
       catch (SqlException ex)  
         throw new TechnicalException(ex.Message, ex);  
     protected object GetValue(DataRow row, string fieldName)  
       if (row[fieldName] != DBNull.Value)  
         return row[fieldName];  
       return null;  
     protected string GetValueToString(DataRow row, string fieldName)  
       object o = GetValue(row, fieldName);  
       if (o != null)  
         string s = (o as string);  
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))  
           s = s.Trim();  
         return s;  
       return string.Empty;  
     protected int GetValueToInt(DataRow row, string fieldName, int defaultValue)  
       object o = GetValue(row, fieldName);  
       if (o != null)  
         return o as int? ?? defaultValue;  
       return defaultValue;  
     protected int? GetValueToIntNull(DataRow row, string fieldName, int? defaultValue = null)  
       object o = GetValue(row, fieldName);  
       if (o != null)  
         return o as int? ?? defaultValue;  
       return defaultValue;  
     protected decimal GetValueToDecimal(DataRow row, string fieldName, decimal defaultValue)  
       object o = GetValue(row, fieldName);  
       if (o != null)  
         return o as decimal? ?? defaultValue;  
       return defaultValue;  
     protected decimal? GetValueToDecimalNull(DataRow row, string fieldName, decimal? defaultValue = null)  
       object o = GetValue(row, fieldName);  
       if (o != null)  
         return o as decimal? ?? defaultValue;  
       return defaultValue;  
     protected bool GetValueToBool(DataRow row, string fieldName, bool defaultValue)  
       object o = GetValue(row, fieldName);  
       if (o != null)  
         return o as bool? ?? defaultValue;  
       return defaultValue;  
     protected bool? GetValueToBoolNull(DataRow row, string fieldName, bool? defaultValue = null)  
       object o = GetValue(row, fieldName);  
       if (o != null)  
         return o as bool? ?? defaultValue;  
       return defaultValue;  
     protected DateTime GetValueToDateTime(DataRow row, string fieldName, DateTime defaultValue)  
       object o = GetValue(row, fieldName);  
       if (o != null)  
         return o as DateTime? ?? defaultValue;  
       return defaultValue;  
     protected DateTime? GetValueToDateTimeNull(DataRow row, string fieldName, DateTime? defaultValue = null)  
       object o = GetValue(row, fieldName);  
       if (o != null)  
         return o as DateTime? ?? defaultValue;  
       return defaultValue;  
     protected object ToDbNullValue(string str)  
       return string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) ? (object)DBNull.Value : str;  
     protected object ToDbNullValue(int? val)  
       return val.HasValue ? val.Value : (object)DBNull.Value;  
     protected object ToDbNullValue(bool? val)  
       return val.HasValue ? val.Value : (object)DBNull.Value;  
     protected object ToDbNullValue(DateTime? val)  
       return val.HasValue ? val.Value : (object)DBNull.Value;  
     protected object ToDbNullValue(decimal? val)  
       return val.HasValue ? val.Value : (object)DBNull.Value;  
     protected object ToDbNullValue(float? val)  
       return val.HasValue ? val.Value : (object)DBNull.Value;  
     private void FillParameters(SqlCommand cmd, SqlParam[] parameters)  
       foreach (SqlParam param in parameters)  
         SqlParameter sqlParam = new SqlParameter(param.ParamName, param.ParamType.DbType);  
         if (param.ParamType.Size.HasValue)  
           sqlParam.Size = param.ParamType.Size.Value;  
         sqlParam.Direction = (ParameterDirection)((int)param.Direction);  
         if (param.Value != null)  
           sqlParam.Value = param.Value;  
           sqlParam.Value = DBNull.Value;  
     protected void ReadSingleRow(IDataRecord record)  
       Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}, {1}", record[0], record[1]));  
     private SqlConnection GetConnection()  
       if (ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings.Count == 0)  
         throw new TechnicalException("No connection to the database is defined.");  
       return new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ConnectionString);  

 public class SqlParam  
     public SqlParam()  
       Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;  
     public string ParamName { get; set; }  
     public SqlParamType ParamType { get; set; }  
     public object Value { get; set; }  
     public ParameterDirection Direction { get; set; }  

 public class SqlParamType  
     public SqlParamType(SqlDbType dbType)  
       this.DbType = dbType;  
     public SqlParamType(SqlDbType dbType, int size)  
       this.DbType = dbType;  
       this.Size = size;  
     public SqlDbType DbType { get; set; }  
     public int? Size { get; set; }  

 public static class DataReaderExtensions  
     public static string GetStringNullable(this IDataReader reader, int ordinal)  
       return reader.IsDBNull(ordinal) ? null : reader.GetString(ordinal);  
     public static int? GetInt32Nullable(this IDataReader reader, int ordinal)  
       return reader.IsDBNull(ordinal) ? (int?)null : reader.GetInt32(ordinal);  
     public static DateTime? GetDateTimeNullable(this IDataReader reader, int ordinal)  
       return reader.IsDBNull(ordinal) ? (DateTime?)null : reader.GetDateTime(ordinal);  

May be a namespace will provide you a better way to organize these classes and DataAccessBase which is an abstract class can be used in any of your data access classes such as below.
 public class PersonDAL : DataAccessBase  

Just post a comment if you need the sample project. :)

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